“Le moment indépendantiste de Claude Ryan” by Jean-François Lisée, Le Devoir (02-15-2014)
“Claude Ryan et le Fédéralisme: Livre beige, livres roses” by Antoine Robitaille, Le Devoir (02-15-2014)
“Claude Ryan et le federalism” by Jean-Félix Chénier, Voir (02-14-2014)
“Rien pour justifier une charte, selon Charest” by TVA, Journal de Montréal (02-14-2014)
“Charest tente de rassurer Philippe Couillard” by Annabelle Blais, La Presse (02-14-2014)
“Québec: un budget, mais pas de credits” , La Presse (02-14-2014)
“Interview with Professor Bruce Hicks on the Claude Ryan Symposium” by Jamie Orchard, Global News TV (02-14-2014)
“Mulroney: Senate Expense Scandal not Good Reason for Abolition” by Peter Rakobowchuk, Huffington Post (02-14-2014)
“Claude Ryan aurait soumis la charte à « l’épreuve du réel »” by Mélanie Loisel, Le Devoir (02-14-2014)
“To Claude Ryan, federalism was not a matter of political tinkering, but something that required constant dialogue” by Michael Gauvreau, The Gazette (02-13-2014)
“Federalism's Third Way” by Michael Gauvreau, The Ottawa Citizen (02-13-2014)
“The Legacy of Claude Ryan” by Amanda Kelley, Global News (02-13-2014)
“Claude Ryan was a Staunch Defender of Federalism…” by Daniel Cere, The Gazette (02-13-2014)
“La Méthode de Monsieur Ryan” by Thomas Mulcair, Le Devoir (02-13-2014)
“Charte des valeurs : qu'en penserait Claude Ryan?” by Olivier Marcil, La Presse (02-12-2014)
“Claude Ryan - 1925-2004 : un homme engagé” by John Parisella, La Presse (02-10-2014)
“McGill Symposium Examines Claude Ryan’s Legacy in Quebec, Canada” by Karen Seidman, Montreal Gazette (02-03-2014).
“Claude Ryan Remembered” by Alan Hustak, Le Métropolitan (02-01-2014)
“Feb. 13-14: The Legacy of Claude Ryan Symposium” by Daniel Cere, McGill Reporter (01-29-2014).
Please direct media inquiries to Katherine Gombay, McGill Media Relations Office.
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